
Deborah Niemann @ Thrifty Homesteader

🐔Yellow chickens, goat minerals, and egg recipes

Published 15 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader,

I receive LOTS of questions about goat minerals. Do my goats need minerals? Why? What kind of minerals? How much? So, I wrote a post - Goat Minerals: Why, What, and How - to answer all of those questions and more. If you're wondering why your goats need minerals, what kind they need, and how to provide them, be sure to check it out.

If you want to add lighter and brighter colors to your chicken yard, consider some yellow or buff chickens. Read this article about 12 yellow chicken breeds with their own unique characteristics and traits.

One of my favorite herbal books for beginners is Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide. The book includes complete instructions for making teas, syrups, oils, salves, tinctures, poultices, and more. For example, here's how to make infused oils.

If you are thinking about beekeeping, but don’t know where to start, check out our post 'Beginner Beekeeping: 4 Things You Should Know About Honey Farming' and learn how to create a thriving hive.

Success with Dairy Goats

If you’ve ever thought about starting a business with your dairy goats, today’s episode will give you a lot of valuable information.

We are talking to PJ Jonas, founder of Goat Milk Stuff, which sells all sorts of products made from goat milk. Although they focus on soap and body care products today, they also sold cheese, yogurt, gelato, and caramels before the pandemic.

Do goats need baking soda?

It depends! There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, and I'm explaining which goats need it and which do not and why.

Egg Recipes

While most people would say it’s spring, those of us with chickens know it’s egg season. We invite you to indulge in this collection of 20 delectable egg-based recipes.

Happy homesteading!

and the ThriftyHomesteader Team

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Deborah Niemann @ Thrifty Homesteader

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