
Deborah Niemann @ Thrifty Homesteader

Get your FAMACHA card!

Published 17 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader,

Did you know that FAMACHA training is included in the Parasites in Goats course because I am a certified FAMACHA instructor?

Did you know that you can get a FAMACHA card? But the card is just one small piece of FAMACHA training.

To get the card, you need to watch the FAMACHA training videos, pass the quiz with a score of 80%, and send me a quick 30-second video of you checking the eyelids of a goat, and I'll mail you a FAMACHA card so you can feel confident that you are not misinterpreting the eyelid colors when checking for anemia.

FAMACHA is one assessment in the 5-point check, and it is one of the easiest ways you can stay one step ahead of parasites in your herd. It specifically checks for anemia, which is the main symptom of the barber pole worm.

I even mail you the card at no additional charge if you are in the US or Canada.

FAMACHA training is just the beginning though! The Parasites course includes six hours of video instruction, including interviews with parasite researchers and professors, a reference section with academic studies, and a resources section.

If you have any questions, just ask!

Happy spring,

P.S. If you're not interested in learning about goat parasites at this time, simply click here, and you won't receive any further emails.

Deborah Niemann @ Thrifty Homesteader

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